Greek Stemmer library written in Go
1 min read

What's that ?

Based on the Georgios Ntais' Paper Development of a Stemmer for the Greek Language, I developed an opensource implementation of a Greek stemmer library written in Go. Inspiration for this project came from this GitHub repo: skroutz/greek_stemmer.
The Greek stemmer is developed as a computational linguistics tool that applies a set of rules and algorithms to transform inflected Greek words into their base or root form.
This process, known as stemming, allows for improved analysis and comparison of Greek texts by reducing words to their essential forms.
Possible application include Natural language processing tasks (text analysis, information retrieval, and machine translation), Search Engine optimizations (e.g. a search for "running" could also return results for "run.") etc.

Example usage:

package main 

import (

func main(){
    x := greek_stemmer.GreekStemmer("ΑΠΑΓΩΓΗ")

GitHub repo